# Ludum Dare 40 : _The more you have, the worse it is._

NOTE: Could not get markdown to work on itch.io, I am going to reformat this doc when I get a chance.

Thanks for playing my first Ludum Dare game! I look forward to hearing your feedback.

*Full screen recommended*

# About

- You are the **`yellow capsule`**--you can carry a ball
- Opponents are the **`teal capsules`**--they can carry balls too
- Hunters are the **`purple capsules`**--they chase down and kill those who have a ball
- As you hold a ball longer the purple capsule will **`chase you faster`**
- **`Throw the ball`** to your opponents to try get them killed
- Everyone has 3 lives by default
- Last capsule standing wins!

# Controls

- **`Space`** bar to reset the game and cancel the active round (if any)
- **`Space`** again to begin the round
- **`Right Mouse Button`** hold or click to move player
- **`Left Mouse Button`** click on opponent to throw the ball
- **`1`** Game Properties
- **`2`** Hunter Properties
- **`3`** Opponent Properties
- **`4`** Player Properties
- **`5`** Ball Properties

# Configuration Changes

_**If you find any values that work particularly well please share them!**_

Control different properties of the game through the interactive UI sliders.
This includes values like `maxSpeed`, `acceleration`, `lives`, etc. Currently some values require a restart of the game (through `Space` commmand), while others will reflect immediately.

# Bugs / Issues / Suggestions

Sometimes the purple capsules go on high velocity off the map, but don't worry they always seem to return :P

**If you see any bugs or have any suggestions**, please mention as a comment/message. If possible, try and determine conditions for the scenario to occur.

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